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RECOMMENDATIONS for EMPLOYEES and VISITORS (students and visitors) of the Department structures.

These recommendations apply to the following units:

Pathology,  Biochemistry, General Biology and Medical Genetics, Human Physiology, Immunology and General Pathology

Please note that for security reasons, access to the Unit and the courtyard (driveway) observe the following times:
From Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 0re 20.00 outside these hours requires the permission of the Director of the Department


During normal working hours

Switchboard University: tel. 0382.9811
Prevention and Protection Service: tel. 0382.98.4827/. 4828/. 4829
Technical Services Area: tel. 0382.98.4900/. 4911/. 4912/. 4913
U. O. Environmental and Occupational Medicine  - Fond. Maugeri: tel. 0382.593701

On-call service from Monday to Friday from 20.00 to 0re 8.00 and on Holidays from 00.00 to 24.00

On-call officer 1: 329/1219529
On-call officer 2: 320/7408069

24 hour external rescue

Emergency public rescue: tel. 113
Medical assistance: tel. 118
Fire department: tel. 115
Poison control center Fondazione Maugeri: tel. 0382.24444

These recommendations apply to the staff of the following units:
- Pathology
- Biochemistry 
- General Biology and Medical Genetics
- Human Physiology
- Immunology and General Pathology

Please note that for security reasons, access to the Unit and the courtyard (driveway) observe the following times:
From Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 0re 20.00 outside these hours requires the permission of the Director of the Department


1) It is mandatory to use the lab coat and where required the individual protections
2) It is mandatory to put the dirty coat in the appropriate container in the cellar
3) It is mandatory to keep your laboratory and equipment in order (report malfunctions to the technician in charge)
4) Separate collection for laboratory and other material is mandatory
     (in the structure there are containers for various materials)
5) Lights must be turned off and laboratories must be closed at the end of the activity
6) To see the various INFORMATION BROCHURES and GUIDES


1) No use of lift outside working hours
2) Prohibited to eat and keep food in laboratories
3) No animals allowed
4) No smoking
5) No obstruction of passages with bulky or dangerous objects


For emergency, safety and first aid contact the local staff of your UNIT

For further information, please consult the Website:

TO POST-DOCS, FELLOWS, CONTRACTORS, PhD STUDENTS, VOLUNTEERS, VISITING PROFESSOR who intend to stay for a period of more than 3 months.


1) Obtain university credentials (otherwise register at Obelix by contacting Mrs Piro Antonella).

2) Obtain a valid email address otherwise download the form for the request


4) Contact the Local Security Officer of the Unit by e-mail indicating the person responsible for the activity, the type of contract and the duration of the contract.

After, you will be contacted for the compilation of the individual risk card.

Download and fill in the following FORMS:
Chemical Risk Sheet, Biohazard Sheet, Toxic Harmful Risk Sheet, Gowns Request Form, Keys Request Form and Structure Access Codes.

The completed and signed forms will be returned to the local security officer, this procedure is necessary to activate the insurance coverage