Links condivisione social

Lecture theatres

The vast majority of departmental teaching occurs in buildings B21, B23, B26, C38 and C40 (see the map below). Requests for block booking of lecture rooms (typically for the teaching of full subjects or modules) have to be submitted to A. Minelli who will forward them to the office in charge (Gestione Aule). Booking requests for individual events (seminars, council meetings, etc) also have to be submitted to A. Minelli who will implement these directly. Links are provided above to the set of lecture/seminar rooms and teaching laboratories available in buildings B21, B23, B26, C38 and C40.

Links are here provided to the set of lecture/seminar rooms and teaching laboratories available in buildings B21 (via T. Tramelli 3b), B23 (via C. Forlanini 6), B26 (via C. Forlanini 14), C38 (Golgi/Spallazani) e C40 (Polo Dipartimento di Ingegneria).


Mappa aule

Lecture theatres map