The Department currently includes members of 8 former smaller Departments/Institutes housed in 9 separate buildings on the north side of the city:
Haematology (HAE), Clinical Biochemistry (CBI) and part of the Cardiology Unit (CAR) are housed in the premises belonging to the IRCCS Foundation Policlinico San Matteo, Viale Camillo Golgi, 19.
The remaining part of Cardiology is housed in buildings belonging to the IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, a private hospital located in Via Salvatore Maugeri, 4.
Biochemistry (BIO), Physiology (PHY), Human Genetics (HGE) and Pathology (PAT) are housed in dedicated university buildings built in the 1950s in Via Tarquato Taramelli, 3B (Biochimica) or in via Forlanini, 6.
Immunology and General Pathology (PGI) is housed in a new teaching and research building called Istituto Golgi Spallanzani (Botta 2), opened in 2009/2010 and located in Via Adolfo Ferrata, 9.