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PhD projects


The PhD Programme in Translational and Precision Medicine has now reached its 5th year of activity. The programme has expanded year after year and now offers projects that span research in Biochemistry, Cellular and Human Physiology, Immunology, Cancer Biology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Cardiology and Haematology. A poster displaying the area of activity of the Programme is available at this below.

The PhD Programme in Translational and Precision Medicine has been greatly strengthened by the recent availability of core equipment (NMR spectroscopy, cryo-electron microscopy, super resolution microscopy, cell sorting, micro computed tomography, pre-clinical magnetic resonance imaging, mass spectrometry and a high performance computer cluster.  This equipment is fully available to research students enrolling in the PhD Programme in Translational Medicine and much of is located in a central facility close to the main departmental buildings (Centro Grandi Strumenti).

The link below provides a list of the new projects available for the three year cycle starting on October 2024. Interested students can contact Roberto Bottinelli, coordinator of the PhD Programme in Translational and Precision Medicine for general questions concerning the admission procedure.  They can also  contact the supervisors of individual projects in order to seek additional information about each project.